
Ani’s advent

My favorite pup

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo


Dear Santa, as the season’s here

And just to keep in touch

I thought I’d write you every day…

I’m after nothing…much.


I’ve been a good girl all the year,

Or if not, I forget,

Or maybe she just didn’t see…

Or hasn’t caught me yet.


I’ve tried to help with household chores,

I’ve laundered all my balls,

I’ve chased the pigeons from the shed

And spiders from the walls.


I’ve done the food disposal job;

The stuff she left, I ate…

(Although she’d left it in the fridge

And not upon my plate.)


I’ve learned I shouldn’t bark at cows

Unless they come too near…

(Though any cat that trespasses

Will flee in mortal fear.)


And yes, I know, that cupboard thing,

I wasn’t going in

To help myself to treats and stuff

‘Cause that would be a sin…


So Santa, if you wouldn’t mind,

The baubles on the…

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Danny’s Dilemma

Another adventure of one of my favorite dogs (who also happens to own one of my favorite authors).

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Danny Happy
To run or not to run, that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? . . . to paraphrase Billy Shakespeare.

Howdy, folks. It’s me, Danny the Dog. I live on a boat with my human, Andrew. Today, I’m here to speak about outrageous fortune. And the outrageous fortune of which I speak is the insidious leash he makes me wear. I mean . . . really . . . just because I’ve run away a few times, he thinks I can’t be trusted. I’m a big boy—I’m almost fourteen years old! I can go out catting (excuse the expression) around at night and still make my way home all by myself.

01 Danny XXl
So here’s my problem. Andrew doesn’t use a regular leash like any sane…

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Legends of Windemere: Charms of the Feykin LIVE on @Amazon! #fantasy #asmsg

Legends of Windemere

Return to Windemere in Charms of the Feykin!

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

To make a champion fall, one must wound their very soul.

Nyx is leading the charge to rescue Delvin and Sari, who have gone missing in the southern jungles of Windemere. Battling through the local predators, the champions are surprised when they reunite in the Feykin city of Rhundar. Instead of captives, the missing heroes have become the city’s rulers and are on the verge of starting a war with those that want to exterminate their new followers. Even with such a noble cause, Delvin and Sari have changed into brutal warlords that may kill each other and their friends long before they step onto the battlefield.

Have Delvin and Sari really changed for the worst or is there a greater threat pulling the champions’ strings?

Grab it on Amazon!

Add it to your Goodreads ‘To Read’…

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YELLOW HAIR (Coming soon)

Can’t wait for this to be released!

Andrew Joyce


Yellow Hair documents the injustices done to the Sioux Nation from their first treaty with the United States in 1805 through Wounded Knee in 1890. Every death, murder, battle, and outrage written about actually took place. The historical figures that play a role in this fact-based tale of fiction were real people and the author uses their real names. Yellow Hair is an epic tale of adventure, family, love, and hate that spans most of the 19th century.

This is American history.

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Introducing an Exciting New Author

Cute children’s story

Author Don Massenzio

I couldn’t be more proud this morning to introduce a new children’s book author.

My daughter, Lillie, has published her first book on Amazon. Her book is called The Scary Tower of Doom, and it’s a children’s book that was written completely by her. We found a great illustrator and now the book is live on Amazon on the kindle and will be out in hard copy later this week.

cover2Here is a blurb about the book:

A princess, a prince, a witch and a dragon; This story by Lillie Massenzio has it all. The best thing is, it’s a story for kids that was written by one. Will the princess and her friends be rescued? Look inside to find out.

Here is a bit about this new author:


Lillie Massenzio is eight years old and is a 3rd grader at Cunningham Creek Elementary School in St. Johns…

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The Health Benefits of Reading Fiction – Guest Post…

Time to get healthy – grab a book and read!

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

22106808 - 3d man sitting and reading a book with idea bulb in thought bubble isolated over white backgroundSource: Free to use image Copyright amasterpics123 123RF Stock Photo

Reports suggest that less than fifty percent of people read fiction, and that number may be declining. I was recently surprised to find out that a relative of mine, a middle-aged man, never reads novels and chooses instead to watch podcasts. A close friend told me that she only reads magazines, and someone else said that he hadn’t read a book for years.

That inspired me to list the health benefits of reading fiction. There are so many positive effects that it should be made compulsory. It helps your career path, improves the functioning of your brain, increases your social skills and helps prevent disease. That means there are significant impacts on your physical, social, spiritual and mental health.

The Health Benefits

  1. Young people who read extensively tend to do well at school and university. They often go on to…

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A Pocket Full of Poesies

Have you seen this new poetry book yet? T.J. Therein has just released it – I will be doing a full review in a few days, but let’s just say I loved it! With T.J.’s permission, I have recorded a video of me reading just one of my favorite selections. Take a look – and then go here to buy your own copy.

And because I’m lame and clueless, the only way I could figure out how to add that video is by including a link. But, hey, you should still check it out. Just click here to see the video and hear one of TJ’s poems.



Hey, Yo!

readful things blog

Formality. In the age of easy self-publishing and digital books, where has it gone? I understand addressing someone you know pretty well by first name. I understand addressing someone you don’t know by their first name if that’s what they introduce themselves as, or if they have a name tag with only their first name on it.

What I don’t understand, is the finer art of the email query in modern society and the digital age. If you want someone to do you a favor, or consider your work for publishing, or become your agent, your reviewer, your proofreader, editor, whatever role you wish them to play, can you not take the time to at least spell their name correctly and check to see if they even take the kind of work you are trying to push?

Bart Smith is an editor. Now, of course he would never be so…

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